Art.1. The following conditions are meant to regulate the relations between Ehoo Trade LLC, hereinafter referred to as PROVIDER and customers, hereinafter referred as USERS of “Ehookitchen” ONLINE SHOP, hereinafter referred as ONLINE SHOP.
Art.2. THE ONLINE SHOP is an e-shop, available on Internet address www.ehookitchen.com, with which the USERS have the option to:
- Make contracts for sale trade and delivery of the offered in the ONLINE SHOP goods.
- Make registration and create an account for reviewing the ONLINE SHOP and use additional services for provision of information.
- Make e-statements in order of the making and performing contracts with the ONLINE SHOP vie the interface of the page of the ONLINE SHOP, available on the Internet.
- Make all kinds of payments in conjunction with the contracts with the ONLINE SHOP according to the supported by the ONLINE SHOP ways of payment.
- Receive information for new goods, offered by the ONLINE SHOP.
- Review the goods, their specifics, prices and delivery conditions.
- Be informed about the rights, according to the law, mainly via the interface of the page of the ONLINE SHOP in Internet.
Art. 3 (1) THE USERS contract for sell trade of the goods, available in the ONLINE SHOP via the interface of the DELIVER, available on the Internet page with address: www.ehookitchen.com or another means of communication.
(2) Under the contract for sale trade of goods with the USER, the DELIVER is obliged to deliver and transfer the ownership to the USER for the chosen by him via the interface goods.
(3) THE USERS pay to the DELIVER the remuneration for the delivered goods, according to the conditions, set in the ONLINE SHOP and the present conditions. The remuneration is amounted to the price, announced by the DELIVER on the address of the ONLINE SHOP on the Internet.
(4) THE DELIVER delivers the ordered by the USER goods in terms and conditions, announced by the DELIVER on the page of the ONLINE SHOP and according to the present conditions.
(5) The price of the delivery is determined separately of the price of the goods.
Art. 4. (1) In order to use the ONLINE SHOP for contract for sale trade of goods, the USER have to fill in the chosen by him username and password for remote access, or directly the data, needed for the realization for sale trade, when not registered.
(2) The entered data and the username and password for remote access when making a registration, are determined by the USER by the registration or by entering the data for making a sale trade electronically on the site of the DELIVER.
(3) With the confirmation of the sale trade the USER declares, that is familiar to the conditions, agrees with their content and is obliged to comply with them.
(4) THE DELIVER confirms the registration of the USER for sale trade sending an e-mail on the provided from the USER e-mail address and between him and the DELIVER are established contract relations.
(5) When making a registration or filling the data for sale trade without registration the USER is obligated to point true and actual data. The USER timely updates the data in the registration in case of changes.
Art.5. (1) The e-mail address, given whit the registration of the USER, and each following e-mail addresses, used for exchange of statements between the USER and the DELIVER, is “Main e-mail address” by the meaning of this conditions. THE USER has the right to change the Main e-mail address.
(2) THE DELIVER is not responsible in front of the USER for incorrect change of the Main e-mail address.
(3) THE DELIVER can demand of the USER to use the Main e-mail address in certain cases.
Art. 6. (1) THE USERS use mainly the interface of the page of the DELIVER to contract for sale trade of the available goods on the ONLINE SHOP. Also, there are other ways of communication (telephone, e-mail, Skype), that could be used for contract for sale trade, in which cases the DELIVER sends in writing an information for the contract on the e-mail of the USER .
(2) The contract between the DELIVER and the USER represents our present conditions, available on the following address: https://ehookitchen.com/index.php/terms-of-service/ .
(3) Part of the contract with the DELIVER is the USER, according to the data, provided when registered or ordering without registration.
(4) THE DELIVER includes in the interface of the page the technical resources, needed to find and correct mistakes in filling the data, before the statement for the contract is made.
(5) THE USER can choose to make the contract with the ONLINE SHOP with a registration or without registration. When making the contract for sale trade without registration, the USER fills the data in the process of making the contract or provides them to the DELIVER in another way of communication (telephone, e-mail, Skype, etc.), in which case are being used only for the present contract for sale trade, without this to be connected with making a registration.
(6) This contract is considered made from the moment of making the registration or confirming the order from the USER to the DELIVER.
(7) For making this contract and for making a contract for sale trade of goods, the DELIVER expressly informs the USER in an appropriate way via electronic devices.
(8) The statement for making the contract and the confirmation for the receiving is being considered received when their addressees have access to them.
(9) THE DELIVER delivers the goods on the provided from the USER address and is not responsible in case that the data is incorrect or misleading.
Art. 7. THE USERS make the contract for sale trade with THE DELIVER, following this procedure:
(1) They make a registration in the ONLINE SHOP and fill the needed data, it the USER has no registration in the ONLINE SHOP and wants to make a contract for sale trade, using a registration.
(2) They choose one or more of the available goods in the ONLINE SHOP and add them to a list with goods for purchase.
(3) They enter in the system of the ONLINE SHOP in order to make a purchase, using their username and password or enter /announce in other ways of communication (telephone, e-mail, Skype, etc.) the data, needed for realizing the sale trade.
(4) They provide other data, needed to make the purchase.
(5) They choose the way of payment.
(6) Confirmation of the order.
Art.8. (1) The main characteristics of the goods, provided by the DELIVER, are described in the profile of every good on the site of the ONLINE SHOP.
(2) The prices of the goods with included all taxes is defined by the DELIVER in all lists of goods and in the profile of every good on the site of the ONLINE SHOP.
(3) The shipping price and/or other taxes (VAT for EU countries), not included in the price of the goods, is defined by the DELIVER and is provided as information to the USER before making the contract in one of the following ways:
1. In the profile of every good in the site of the DELIVER of the ONLINE SHOP.
2. On the designed for this purpose page with address https://ehookitchen.com/index.php/shipping-and-payment/, access to which can be made with a link with a name “Delivery and prices” on the bottom of every page on the site of the ONLINE SHOP.
3. In the description of the order (the checkout), provided in the final step in the process of the contract for sale trade.
(4) The way of payment, the delivery and the performance of the contract are defined in the present conditions and depending of the information, given to the USER by the DELIVER.
(5) The information, provided to the USERS in this article, is present by the moment of visualizing it on the site of the DELIVER of the ONLINE SHOP before making the contract for sale trade.
(6) THE DELIVER is obligated to state the delivery conditions of each and every good on the site of the ONLINE SHOP.
(7) THE DELIVER states before making the contract the full price of the order, all the goods in it plus the delivery expenses.
Art. 9. THE USER agrees, that the DELIVER has the right to accept advanced payment for the made with the USER contract for sale trade and their delivery.
Art. 10. (1) THE USER has the right without compensation or penalty and without pointing a reason to deny the contract in the terms of 14 (fourteen) days, counting from the day of receiving the stock.
(2) The right of denying in Art. 1 doesn’t apply in the following cases:
1. For delivery of goods, whose price depends of the volatility in financial markets that the DELIVER can’t control.
2. For delivery of goods, tailored to user requirements or by his individual order
3. For delivery of goods, which because of their character are requisite or can’t be returned, because of fast corrupting, or there is a danger of worsen their characteristics, including cosmetics and perfumery.
4. For delivery of goods, use of which is possible in a short period of time (clothing and track suits, made for a special occasion).
(3) In case that the USER exercise the right of withdrawal in Art. 1, the DELIVER is obligated to refund to the full the paid by the USER prices of the goods (without the delivery price, in case the refusal is not because of a defect or other problem, which is not the DELIVER’s fault) not later than 14 (fourteen) days, counting from the day, on which the DELIVER received the returned from the USER stock. From the amount, which the USER have paid according to the contract, the delivery expenses are subduct, except if the USER has returned the stock on his expenses and is not because of a defect or other problem, which is not the DELIVER’s fault.
(4) THE USER is obligated to keep the received from the DELIVER goods and their quality whilst the term in Art. 1.
(5) If the received from the USER and send by the DELIVER in the conditions of the contract stock has a defect, does not correspond to what is ordered or has other problem by the DELIVER’s fault, the USER has the right to return it to the DELIVER and to have requirement for replacement with goods without defect and corresponding to what is ordered or with removed defect or has the right of refunding of the paid according to the sale trade contract amount. The returning of the stock, the exchange expenses or the expenses of the refunding of the paid by the USER stock are at the expense of the DELIVER.
Art. 11 (1) The terms of the delivery to every part of the world are different. It is announced for every country separately.
(2) The term starts counting from the date, following the date of sending the order of the USER to the DELIVER via the site of the DELIVER or in any other way of communication: telephone, e-mail, Skype, etc.
(3) The terms of delivery are individual for every stock separately when making the contract with the USER via the site of the DELIVER or in any other way of communication, except if the goods are in one order.
Art. 12. THE DELIVER has the right to treat USERS as DISLOYAL in cases, in which (1) there is causeless refusal by the USER to receive the ordered from the DELIVER goods by the contract for sale trade; this doesn’t concern the right of the USER to refuse the contract with the DELIVER and return the received goods;
(2) there is non-observance by the USER of the conditions of the ONLINE SHOP.
(3) it has been found disloyal treatment of the DELIVER by the USER.
(4) is found systematical abuse by the USER.
Art. 13. THE DELIVER has the right to refuse a sale trade contract with DISLOYAL USERS.
Art. 14. THE ONLIE SHOP has the right to change the prices, the terms and the conditions of sale trade anytime. THE USER owes the prices and is obligated to observe the conditions, which were present at the moment of realizing the sale trade or the use of the ONLINE SHOP.
Art.15. It is assumed, that the provided from the USER e-mail with the registration or with the registration of the sale trade without registration or using the ONLINE SHOP is actual and checked regularly. By sending information to it is assumed that the USER is officially informed.
Art. 16. The photos, with which the goods in the ONLINE SHOP of the DELIVER are represented, represent as accurately as possible the colors. THE DELIVER is not responsible for incorrect re-creation of the colors because of individual settings and technical parameters of the monitors, displays, computer systems and technical devices, used for access in the ONLINE SHOP.
Art. 18. The customer orders goods by giving the information, needed for the fulfilling the order, voluntary and directly via the Internet page of the Ehookitchen on the following address: www.ehookitchen.com or in other ways of communication: telephone, e-mail, etc.
Art. 19. The personal data, given by the customers, are used to serve the customer namely:
- Clarification of the orders.
- Orders execution.
- In processing reclamation.
- If necessary of giving information to the customer for an order or a reclamation.
- Informing for occurred changes in the order’s execution and processing reclamations.
- Giving gifts, won in games and promotions.
- The data, given by the customer, is not being used for advertising of Ehookitchen.com, unless it is explicitly stated by the customer. The willing to use the data for advertising could be changed in every moment, if wanted by the customer.
Art. 20. Providing personal data.
- Information for the customers is given only to affiliate companies (courier companies, etc.), directly involved in the stages of the process of serving the customer and executing the orders.
- To affiliate companies (courier companies, etc.) is given only the part of the information for the customer, immediately necessary to carry out the maintenance operation and the orders execution.
Art. 26. The customer has the opportunity to change the data directly through his account on the Internet page of the Online SHOP on the following address: www.ehookitchen.com or through other ways of communication: telephone, Skype, e-mail, etc.
Art. 21. Privacy Data Protection
- The information, given by the customer, is protected according to Law on Protection of Personal Data and is processed according to its provisions and according all the other provisions of the European legislation.
- Ehookitchen.com takes all necessary actions and measures to protect the information, provided by the customers.
- For security reasons the DELIVER provides the USERS the filled by them data in case of request or if in conjunction with the service only on the given e-mail, which is provided when registering or making a sale trade contract without registration.
Art.22. Ehoo Trade LLC. uses Cookies via www.ehookitchen.com. They are storage on the computer of the User of all of the information for his interaction with the Online SHOP. The information from the Cookies is being used in order to provide content, satisfying in the most accurate way the needs of the User. Each User has the right to forbid the use of the Cookies with changing the settings of the browser. With forbidden use of cookies it is possible that Ehookitchen.com and other online applications would not work properly.
Art.23. In every single moment the DELIVER has the right to demand from the USER to legitimize and to verify authenticity of each and every piece of the provided during the registration information and personal data.
Art. 24. In case, in which the USER has forgotten or lost his password, the DELIVER has the right to apply the announced procedure “Forgotten password”, available on the address: https://ehookitchen.com/password-recovery
Art. 31. (1) The present conditions can be unilaterally changed anytime by the DELIVER.
(2) THE DELIVER and the USER agree, that every addition or amendment of these conditions would apply to the USER only after he is expressly informed by the DELIVER and if the USER doesn’t state in the provided 14-days term, that he rejects them.
(3) THE USER agrees, that every statement of the DELIVER, relating with the amendment of these conditions will be send to the address of the e-mail, provided by the USER when registering or making a sale trade contract without registration. THE USER agrees, that the e-mails, sent according to this article, don’t have to be signed with electronic signature, to have effect on him.
Art. 32. THE DELIVER publishes these conditions on the following address https://ehookitchen.com/index.php/terms-of-service/ , together with every amendment and addition in them.